Sunday 5 October 2014

New rechargeable ‘solar battery ‘promises to revolutionize solar technology

By Daily Digest News
October 04, 2014
Scientists from Ohio State University invented a revolutionary breakthrough green energy technology that has the chance to upend the solar power industry.

Led by Professor Yiying Wu, scientists created a solar cell that also doubles as a rechargeable battery– the first combined device of its type.“The state of the art is to use a solar panel to capture the light, and then use a cheap battery to store the energy,” Wu said. “We’ve integrated both functions into one device.”

Wu and his students designed the solar panel battery by layering titanium mesh gauze, then wove vertical rods of titanium dioxide through the mesh. They placed that on top of a sheet of permeable carbon as well as a lithium plate.
When the battery absorbs light, the mesh solar panel reacts by generating electrons. The electrons then help break down lithium peroxide into lithium ions and oxygen. The oxygen is released into the air, and the ions get stored inside the battery. In order to consume the stored energy, the battery pulls in oxygen from the air to reform lithium peroxide.

“Basically, it’s a breathing battery,” said Wu. “It breathes in air when it discharges, and breathes out when it charges.”Currently, solar energy is created with panels, which are then connected to external batteries to charge. Normally about 20 percent of the power generated by solar panels is lost in the transfer of electricity to the battery storage.

By combining both the generation and storage processes, Wu and his team have been able to drastically reduce lost potential, saving nearly 100 percent of the electrons produced.
“Any time you can do that, you reduce cost,” said Wu.

The team estimates that their device brings down costs by 25 percent, which would be a significant boon to the solar energy industry.

Costs and inefficiency are the two factors consumers often point to that inhibits solar energy usage compared to traditional fossil fuel sources.

The team filed for a patent on the solar battery, and plans to license it to the broader energy industry for sale and distribution.

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